Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Spitting Image Era Didn't Miss Japan

This is a moment frozen in time. One company's puppets stood above the rest. And then disappeared forever. But first, sold Cherry Coke. On TV. In Japan.

Holy crap. I watched DC Follies all the time. And I was a little kid. I barely understood what was going on, but it was still funny.

Truly a moment frozen in time. All frostbitten and forgotten in the back fo the freezer. You were mildly afraid to open it when you found it, but surprised at the fact that it wasn't as bad as you thought when you did.
Hey! Those puppets were in the "Land Of Confusion" video... I remember the Reagan one!

I watched DC follies all the time as well. Thus, this post.

It's weird to think about those things having such global impact but it makes sense seeing that in the first place they came from the UK.

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