Friday, April 28, 2006

More Awesome Old Spider-Man

This is Spider-Man. Versus the Samauri. And their awesome helmets. On TV. In Japan.

Thanks Santeri!

Holy Moly! Is this for real?!?!? This is hilarious! I wonder if they even had licenses from Marvel to do this... LOL! Great Vid.
... licensed or not, it's better than the crap Spidey animation from the 70's that Disney's been re-running (nothing like ruining a franchise for the sake of an easy buck).
This is SO SO good. :)

As soon as I saw the braclet on his arm, I knew mecha were in was just a matter of when.

Seriously, I think the good old formula applied to this show too: good guys fight bad guys. Bad guys on the ropes. Bad guy gets big. Good guy can't spontaneously get big like bad guy, so they call mecha. Mecha kills bad guy. Everyone's happy.

Poor spidey in the last scene...looks like he wanted a ride back to town and they totally ditched him!
I know. This is the uber-awesome.

I'm gonna try to go find more right now.
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